Thursday, September 15, 2011


I created a chore "list" for us to work on. Some weeks it seems to work well. Others well... Not so well. I told them that they are to wash dishes on their day, or they will stack up the following day. Imagine John's surprise when "we sure do have a lot of silverware" when he didn't wash yesterday. Told me, "you didn't tell me to wash them". I was able to reply, we went over the list, Zach had to do the same thing last week I think. So.... They are supposed to cook one day a week too.. John made us eggs and ramen last week. They were pretty good!

I was fortunate enough not to have chores growing up. My mom did it all.. Now I am not as nice as my mom. We have established that in our house, but they can both know how to do dishes, cook and laundry. Not to mention dusting, and mopping which I haven't been as diligent with as I should have been. We have concrete painted floors, so even though sweeping and mopping don't take much time, every dustbunny is very obvious to see.

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